Our Thematic Work

The United Nations Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development puts agriculture and rural development in a new perspective. The sustainable development goals confirmed the centrality of food security in sustainable development and the need for more responsible and efficient use of natural resources, social integration, economic growth and employment generation.

Agriculture and rural development constitute highly complex systems which require long-term strategies. The increased focus on approaches which capture these complexities bring opportunities for broader policy coherence and concerted action. The Platform has always recognised the importance of knowledge sharing amongst development partners and of appraising the impact of the new global agenda on the member organisations’ modus operandi.

The Platform focuses on several political entry points that can directly contribute to a more comprehensive approach to sustainable development of the rural space, namely rural youth employment, land governance and a roadmap to SDG 2. These three Thematic Working Groups gather donors in all three fields to share knowledge, develop agendas and combine advocacy efforts.

Land Governance

The Global Working Group on Land is committed to increase the coordination and knowledge exchange on land governance programmes and jointly advocate the relevance of land issues in policy processes which affect international development.

Tajikistan – IFAD-supported Livestock and Pasture Development Project – June 2018

© IFAD/Chris McMorrow

Rural Youth Employment

Youth are at the heart of the future of agriculture, food production and rural development, but it requires inclusive strategies that help making agriculture and rural livelihoods more attractive for them.


© Fidisoa Ramanahadray

SDG2 Roadmap

Ending hunger and malnutrition has been a priority for many donors for at least a decade. Over the last two years, an informal group of senior officials from different donor agencies active in agriculture, food and nutrition security has come together to exchange views on how to continue efforts within the framework of SDG2.1.


©IFAD/Francesco Cabras

Confronting Crises Together

The Global Donor Platform for Rural Development has an important role to play in facilitating information and knowledge sharing within the donor community and with our development partners. This is especially crucial during global crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the current global food price crisis. Effective dialogue and information exchange help international organisations address the impacts of policies and strategies on food security and rural development to build long-term resilience.

Nigeria, IFAD-funded Value Chain Development Programme Phase II, November 2019

©IFAD/Francesco Cabras


During the pandemic, Platform members established a task force on coordinated donor response, to identify ongoing actions of members and coordinate their regional and thematic approaches.