As international organisations turn their attention to addressing the impacts of the corona virus pandemic on food security and nutrition in the mid- to long-term, the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development has an important role to play in facilitating information and knowledge sharing within the donor community and with our development partners.
Platform members have established a task force on coordinated donor response to COVID-19, which aims at identifying ongoing actions of members and coordinating their regional and thematic approaches. This topic page is the space where members share information about pandemic response priorities, programmes, and analysis. The page is continuously updated and expanded. Visit us again.
Members’ Responses

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

World Food Programme (WFP)
- External Situation Report #14 (PDF)Â
- The External Situations Reports are produced twice a month, provide a concise yet comprehensive snapshot of WFP’s global response to COVID-19. Find all External Situations Reports.Â
United Kingdom Department for International Development (UKAID)
- Rapid Evidence Review: Policy Interventions to Mitigate Negative Effects on Poverty, Agriculture and Food Security From Disease Outbreaks and Other Crises – ODI Report (PDF) on impacts on food security and agriculture: Lessons learned from previous crises.
- What We Know About Emerging Zoonotic Threats and How Can We Minimise Future Impact? – DFID Evidence Note (PDF) on zoonotic diseases and threats.
- Rethrinking Agri-business Investments Through the Pandemic E-Conference – Sustainability Dossier (PDF) from DFID’s CASA (Commercial Agriculture for Smallholders and Agribusiness) Programme.

World Trade Organization (WTO)
- COVID-19 and World Trade – web page
WTO also houses two global partnerships, the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF, for LDCs) and the Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF, on SPS capacity development). Both partnerships also have dedicated COVID-19 pages:
- Trade for Development News – web site
- STDF Partnership Updates on COVID-19 – web page

Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
- Responding to COVID-19’s Impact on Resilience and Food Security (PDF)
- Water for the Worlds Response to COVID-19 (PDF)
- Feed the Futures Response to COVID-19 (PDF)
- Guidance on Supporting Safe and Functioning Food Markets (PDF)
- USAID Water Sanitation and Hygiene Strategic Approach to COVID-19 Response (PDF)

International Trade Center (ICT)
- Supporting Small Businesses Through the COVID-19’s Crisis website on Covid-19 response
- Unsung Heroes – How Small Farmers Cope with COVID-19 Report (PDF) – Report (PDF)
This report relays the message of smallholder farmers on COVID-19 impact and recovery. It provides insights on what support they need from all value chain actors. It builds on 14 interviews with partners of the International Trade Centre’s Alliances for Action programme. - ICT News – 3 June 2020 (web link to the latest newsletter