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Platform topic: Sustainable/blended finance for food systems

New Thematic Working Group on Sustainable/Blended Finance


The GDPRD Secretariat is pleased to announce its latest working group dedicated to sustainable and blended finance for food systems. We are delighted to introduce the Co-Chairs of this new working group, Tuleen Alkhoffash of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Songbae Lee of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). They will guide the group for the two-year term (2024-2026).

New Thematic Working Group on Sustainable/Blended Finance2024-07-24T12:10:12+02:00

Webinar: Decoding the Fundamentals of Development Finance


The Global Donor Platform for Rural Development is organizing a series of webinars to help development actors better understand development finance and donor approaches. The first seminar will provide an overview of the main concepts and terms, current architecture and emerging issues in development finance.

Webinar: Decoding the Fundamentals of Development Finance2024-12-11T13:23:59+01:00

Special Event on the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2024


15 July 2024 | 11:00 to 13:00 EDT | UNHG, New York Conference Room 2. FAO and its co-publishing partners will be presenting key messages of the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) report at a Special Event in the margins of the ECOSOC High-Level Political Forum (HLPF).

Special Event on the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 20242024-07-24T13:53:44+02:00

Webinar by SAFIN, GDPRD, Marketlinks: Donors as investment catalysts


Declining rates of official development assistance (ODA) have propelled donor countries to employ innovative ways to attract more private sector investments to agriculture, notably through blended finance. Join the discussion on where donors think concessional capital is best utilized.

Webinar by SAFIN, GDPRD, Marketlinks: Donors as investment catalysts2024-12-11T13:26:49+01:00

Aid to agriculture, rural development and food security


The study, commissioned by the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development, analyzes development assistance to agriculture and rural development (ARD) and food security. By improving the understanding and handling of aid flows to ARD and food security, the study aims to contribute to strengthening transparency, accountability and the effectiveness of aid in this policy domain.

Aid to agriculture, rural development and food security2024-07-25T09:18:33+02:00