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Platform Topic: Land Governance

IFPRI: Harmful Environmental Impacts of Agricultural Subsidies


14 DECEMBER 2022 | Virtual Links POLICY SEMINAR: Harmful Environmental Impacts of Agricultural SubsidiesCo-organized by IFPRI and The University of AdelaideAgricultural subsidies are high—and increasing—and are largely concentrated among relatively few

IFPRI: Harmful Environmental Impacts of Agricultural Subsidies2023-06-07T14:54:36+02:00

USAID – Land And Conflict: A Toolkit for Intervention 2.0


The purpose of this toolkit is to introduce readers to the complex relationship between land and violent conflict and to provide guidance on recommended approaches and actions to address some of the root causes of conflict. This understanding can

USAID – Land And Conflict: A Toolkit for Intervention 2.02022-10-31T18:44:23+01:00

Rapid Needs Assessment: Protecting Property Rights during and after the War in Ukraine


This needs assessment was conducted in July-September, 2022 based on the review of statistical and administrative reports, legal and normative acts, and interviews with key Government of Ukraine (GoU) authorities including the Ministry of Justice, State Geocadastre, the Ministry

Rapid Needs Assessment: Protecting Property Rights during and after the War in Ukraine2022-11-01T18:36:46+01:00

Annual General Assembly 2022 Session 3


AGA 2022 Session 3 - June 15 9:10-10:40 CET. Session by the Global Donor Working Group on Land (GDWGL): Responsible Land-Based Investing as a Strategy to Mitigate the Harms of a New Food Crisis.

Annual General Assembly 2022 Session 32023-06-07T14:54:33+02:00

The Global Donor Working Group on Land Celebrates the Ten Year Anniversary of the CFS VGGT


The Global Donor Working Group on Land joins in the commemorations by sharing short testimonies from their Chair, Vice-Chair and members, on what The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests (VGGT) have

The Global Donor Working Group on Land Celebrates the Ten Year Anniversary of the CFS VGGT2022-09-26T11:16:50+02:00

Global Land Forum 2022


Six relevant themes for Jordan and the region: - Decentralization - Climate change - Rural youth - Partnership building - Women's equal rights - Peace-building

Global Land Forum 20222023-06-07T14:56:49+02:00