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Platform Topic: Land Governance

Young Africans at the Forefront of Land Governance Research


As leaders of tomorrow, youth play a crucial role in shaping a transformative land governance sector. To highlight their significant contributions to national and regional efforts to address land governance related issues, a side-event at the 2019 Conference for

Young Africans at the Forefront of Land Governance Research2022-08-26T13:01:24+02:00

Building the Next Generation of African Experts in Land Governance


To contribute to capacity development of land professionals in Africa, the African Land Policy Centre (ALPC) has established the Network of Excellence on Land Governance in Africa (NELGA). The network, which consists of fifty partners from leading African universities

Building the Next Generation of African Experts in Land Governance2022-08-26T13:08:51+02:00

Global Land Tool Network Gender Strategy (2019–2030)


The Global Land Tool Network (GLTN), a member of the Global Donor Platform’s Working Group on Land, launched their Gender Strategy (2019-2030) at a side event during the 2019 Conference on Land Policy in Africa, in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire.

Global Land Tool Network Gender Strategy (2019–2030)2022-09-23T15:09:06+02:00

2019 Conference on Land Policy in Africa: Securing Effective Land Tenure Necessary for Africa’s Development


“Effective land governance and management is…indispensable to efforts to promote inclusive and sustainable socioeconomic development in support of Africa’s structural transformation,” such as the continent’s 50-year development plan, Agenda 2063, said Stephen Karingi, Director of the Regional Integration, Infrastructure

2019 Conference on Land Policy in Africa: Securing Effective Land Tenure Necessary for Africa’s Development2022-08-26T17:11:36+02:00

Complexities and Progress in Securing Land Tenure for Women and Marginalized Groups in Africa


The 2019 Conference on Land Policy in Africa’s plenary session, “Securing Land Tenure for Women and Other Marginalized Groups”, recognized that sustainable development in Africa cannot be achieved without ensuring the context based implementation of secure land tenure for

Complexities and Progress in Securing Land Tenure for Women and Marginalized Groups in Africa2022-08-26T17:15:52+02:00

CFS 46 – Fertile Grounds for Land Governance


Members of the Global Donor Working Group on Land (GDWGL) were active during CFS 46 in Rome to raise the profile of land tenure security and the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and

CFS 46 – Fertile Grounds for Land Governance2022-08-29T15:22:58+02:00

Storytelling in Land Governance: From Indigenous Perspective to Common View


Many times interests of vulnerable and marginalized groups are overshadowed by larger narratives and overall statistics, making them unheard and unspoken. In taking up this eminently important topic, George Washington University, Planet Forward, International Land Coalition (ILC), World Rural

Storytelling in Land Governance: From Indigenous Perspective to Common View2022-08-29T15:44:28+02:00