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Platform Topic: Land Governance

Building Resilience and Employment Opportunities for Youth Within Rural Economies in the Sahel


In the framework of the FAO’s project "BUILDING RESILIENCE IN THE SAHEL REGION THROUGH JOB CREATION FOR YOUTH", funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) of the Federal Republic of Germany, FAO and ODI have organized an event to showcase findings from a forthcoming report.

Building Resilience and Employment Opportunities for Youth Within Rural Economies in the Sahel2023-06-07T14:57:49+02:00

Mining and the Green Energy Transition


USAID Report on Mining Highlights the Role of Land in the Transition to Green Energy Links A new report by USAID, “Mining and the Green Energy Transition”, emphasizes

Mining and the Green Energy Transition2022-09-07T09:15:42+02:00

Putting Land High on the International Development Agenda: Developing the State of Land Tenure and Governance Report


Led by the Global Donor Working Group on Land (GDWGL) report working group and together with key stakeholders, a virtual workshop was organized at the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development (GDPRD) on the development of the State of Land

Putting Land High on the International Development Agenda: Developing the State of Land Tenure and Governance Report2022-09-07T09:15:12+02:00