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Platform Topic: Land Governance

Updates SDG Land Indicators


The objective of this page is to present the SDG land indicators 1.4.2 and 5.a.1. Links Multiple stakeholders in the international land community, including the Global

Updates SDG Land Indicators2022-09-05T11:36:21+02:00

3rd meeting of the Thematic Working Group on Agriculture, Food Security, and Land Use


The Thematic Working Group (TWG) on Agriculture, Food Security and Land Use of the Nationally Determined Contributions Partnership (NDC-P) met for the third time in Rome at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The three-day

3rd meeting of the Thematic Working Group on Agriculture, Food Security, and Land Use2022-08-29T16:58:42+02:00

Assessing the Costs of Tenure Risks to Agribusinesses


The Quantifying Tenure Risk is a joint initiative between the Overseas Development Institute and TMP Systems to provide data and analysis to reduce land conflict and improve land governance through better informed investment decisions. The study and tool is

Assessing the Costs of Tenure Risks to Agribusinesses2022-08-22T11:52:10+02:00

More Data, Better Governance of Land Tenure?


Significant steps have been taken to prioritize land tenure security not only in global policy frameworks but also in implementation plans. A side event at CFS45, organised by the Global Donor Working Group on Land together with other key

More Data, Better Governance of Land Tenure?2022-09-05T10:37:48+02:00