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Platform Topic: Rural Youth Employment

Jobs for Rural Youth: The Role of Local Food Economies


Young people in rural areas face the double challenge of age-specific vulnerabilities and underdevelopment of rural areas. While agriculture absorbs the majority of rural workers in developing countries, low pay and poor working conditions make it difficult to sustain

Jobs for Rural Youth: The Role of Local Food Economies2022-09-30T10:55:26+02:00

The International Day of Youth


12 August 2021 is the International Day of Youth, celebrating the vital role of youth in food systems transformation. Youth accounts for one out of every six people worldwide, and, especially in rural Africa, millions of them are engaged

The International Day of Youth2022-08-26T12:21:18+02:00

Independent Food Systems Dialogue: “African Youth as Drivers for Decent Job Creation in Sustainable Food Systems”


The Dialogue will highlight issues affecting rural youth and gather input for Game Changer solutions for decent jobs creation for rural youth in food systems. First, a round of opening statements and pitches for youth centered Game Changer solutions submitted to the UNFSS will set the scene.

Independent Food Systems Dialogue: “African Youth as Drivers for Decent Job Creation in Sustainable Food Systems”2023-06-07T14:57:50+02:00

Independent Dialogue: African Youth as Drivers for Decent Job Creation in Sustainable Food Systems


On 30 June 2021, the Thematic Working Group (TWG) on Rural Youth Employment (RYE) organised an Independent Dialogue to the United Nation Food System Summit (UNFSS). The event was centred around two game-changing solutions proposed to the UNFSS by

Independent Dialogue: African Youth as Drivers for Decent Job Creation in Sustainable Food Systems2022-08-26T12:24:22+02:00