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Platform Topic: Rural Youth Employment

Towards More Inclusive Pathways of Structural Transformation for a Brighter Future of Work for Youth In Rural Areas (Webinar)


On 30 June 2021, the Thematic Working Group (TWG) on Rural Youth Employment (RYE) organised an Independent Dialogue to the United Nation Food System Summit (UNFSS). The event was centred around two game-changing solutions proposed to the UNFSS by

Towards More Inclusive Pathways of Structural Transformation for a Brighter Future of Work for Youth In Rural Areas (Webinar)2022-08-31T11:47:03+02:00

Webinar: Towards More Inclusive Pathways of Structural Transformation for a Brighter Future of Work for Youth in Rural Areas


This webinar will explore the key (structural) policy issues related to transforming Africa’s rural economies and how this can result in more and better jobs for rural youth and particularly young women.

Webinar: Towards More Inclusive Pathways of Structural Transformation for a Brighter Future of Work for Youth in Rural Areas2023-06-07T14:57:51+02:00

Youth, Women and Market Systems Development In Agriculture And Supporting Markets


Effective market systems development requires equitable participation and benefits for men, women, and male and female youth. A market systems development approach targets the root causes of poor market systems performance and enables market actors to achieve inclusive growth.

Youth, Women and Market Systems Development In Agriculture And Supporting Markets2022-09-13T09:09:21+02:00

New Platform Study Report: Insights Into Youth Networks Working Around Agriculture and Rural Development in Africa


Young people have the potential to play an important role in achieving effective rural transformation, not only are their numbers increasing but young people are problem solvers and innovators who work to develop solutions to even the most complex

New Platform Study Report: Insights Into Youth Networks Working Around Agriculture and Rural Development in Africa2022-09-23T14:38:50+02:00

Rural Youth and Decent Jobs Creation in Food Systems: The Youthful Future of African Agribusiness


“Rural youth and decent jobs creation in food systems" was the title of the side event organised by Global Donor Platform for Rural Development’s Rural Youth Thematic Working Group held on 19 November at the Ethiopian Skylight Hotel in

Rural Youth and Decent Jobs Creation in Food Systems: The Youthful Future of African Agribusiness2022-09-27T18:35:45+02:00