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Platform Topic: Rural Youth Employment

Africa Youth Agripreneur Forum (AYAF) 2019 – investing in young agripreneurs to open a new chapter in Africa’s development


Over 200 participants gathered in Cape Town, South Africa for the 3rdAfrica Youth Agripreneur Forum (AYAF) on 24-28 June 2019. The forum themed “Climate Smart Agriculture: Business and Employment Opportunities for Africa’s Youth” was hosted by Platform member African

Africa Youth Agripreneur Forum (AYAF) 2019 – investing in young agripreneurs to open a new chapter in Africa’s development2022-08-29T16:21:18+02:00

The rural digital revolution


On 17 May the United Nations celebrated the 50th anniversary of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) shape our every-day life throughout the world. For a long time, ICTs have been considered to provide

The rural digital revolution2022-08-29T16:44:23+02:00

Global Forum for Food and Agriculture: The Future of Agriculture is Digital


The eighth Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) took place in Berlin, Germany from 17 – 19 January 2019. A record number of national delegations and international organisations accepted the German federal minister’s invitation for the International Conference

Global Forum for Food and Agriculture: The Future of Agriculture is Digital2022-09-23T13:34:40+02:00

Global Landscapes Forum 2018: Young People Are Key to Landscape Restoration


On 1-2 December 2018, more than 1,000 representatives of government, international, non-governmental and indigenous organizations, activists, finance, private sector, youth, scientists and media came together in Bonn, Germany at the occasion of the Global Landscape Forum (GLF), to connect,

Global Landscapes Forum 2018: Young People Are Key to Landscape Restoration2022-09-23T13:31:57+02:00

Opportunities for the Rural Youth Agenda


Youth account for one out of every six people worldwide. About 10 – 12 million jobs need to be created and/or supported per year until 2035 in Africa alone and millions of young people are bound to engage in

Opportunities for the Rural Youth Agenda2022-09-05T10:52:37+02:00

Compendium: Donor Engagement with Rural Youth


In preparation to the Annual General Assembly 2018 “Young and ready to move – empowering the new generation in the rural space”, the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development commissioned a compendium “Donor engagement with rural youth”. The publication

Compendium: Donor Engagement with Rural Youth2022-09-01T15:46:47+02:00