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Platform Topic: Rural Youth Employment

The 5th Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Forum: Empowering African Entrepreneurs


On 26 July 2019, Abuja, Nigeria saw the largest gathering of Africa’s entrepreneurs from across various sectors, ranging from Agriculture, to ICT, fashion and education, in a two-day event organized by the Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF). The initiative, founded

The 5th Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Forum: Empowering African Entrepreneurs2022-08-29T16:11:46+02:00

IFAD’s 2019 Rural Development Report – creating opportunities for rural youth


IFAD has recently released its latest Rural Development Report. The report titled “Creating opportunities for rural youth” provides an analysis that can inform policies, programmes and investments to promote a rural transformation inclusive of youth. Issues discussed range from

IFAD’s 2019 Rural Development Report – creating opportunities for rural youth2022-08-29T16:19:08+02:00

Africa Youth Agripreneur Forum (AYAF) 2019 – investing in young agripreneurs to open a new chapter in Africa’s development


Over 200 participants gathered in Cape Town, South Africa for the 3rdAfrica Youth Agripreneur Forum (AYAF) on 24-28 June 2019. The forum themed “Climate Smart Agriculture: Business and Employment Opportunities for Africa’s Youth” was hosted by Platform member African

Africa Youth Agripreneur Forum (AYAF) 2019 – investing in young agripreneurs to open a new chapter in Africa’s development2022-08-29T16:21:18+02:00

The rural digital revolution


On 17 May the United Nations celebrated the 50th anniversary of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) shape our every-day life throughout the world. For a long time, ICTs have been considered to provide

The rural digital revolution2022-08-29T16:44:23+02:00