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Platform Topic: Rural Youth Employment

OECD Report: Agriculture, Food and Jobs in West Africa


The food economy is the biggest employer in West Africa accounting for 66% of total employment. While the majority of food economy jobs are in agriculture, off-farm employment in food-related manufacturing and service activities is increasing as the food

OECD Report: Agriculture, Food and Jobs in West Africa2022-09-30T10:54:17+02:00

G20 Initiative for Rural Youth Employment


The G20 Summit in 2017 saw the launch of the Rural Youth Employment initiative, after a historic vote by governments and heads of states signalled a clear political commitment of the international community to support empowerment of youth in

G20 Initiative for Rural Youth Employment2022-09-30T18:06:51+02:00

Agri-food Youth Employment and Engagement Study


2016 Michigan University The Agrifood Youth Employment and Engagement Study (AgYees) examines the potential of Sub-Saharan Africa’s agrifood systems to provide new jobs for unemployed, underemployed and disadvantaged youth, and identifies constraints affecting the capacity of youth to take

Agri-food Youth Employment and Engagement Study2022-10-03T14:33:58+02:00