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Platform Topic: Rural Youth Employment

CFS 51 Side event – Nature based solutions and decent employment for equitable and inclusive agri-food systems


FAO’s Inclusive Rural Transformation and Gender Equality Division is co-organizing a side event for the upcoming CFS 51 in collaboration with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) on ‘Nature based Solutions and Decent Rural Employment in Agrifood Systems’ on Wednesday 25 October.

CFS 51 Side event – Nature based solutions and decent employment for equitable and inclusive agri-food systems2024-03-11T13:46:09+01:00

2023 ILO Rural Development Academy


The 2023 edition of the ILO Rural Development Academy. This training and learning event will be held in blended modality with an on-line phase from 13 to 24 November and a face-to-face phase from 4 to 8 December 2023 in the ITC, Turin, Italy.

2023 ILO Rural Development Academy2023-10-03T12:32:09+02:00

Partners for change – network meeting on transforming agricultural and food systems


At the network meeting "Partners for change - Transformation to a food secure, resilient and sustainable future", almost 250 participants from over 20 countries came together to exchange experiences and ideas on the transformation of agricultural and food systems.

Partners for change – network meeting on transforming agricultural and food systems2023-09-28T15:03:43+02:00

2023 Global YEO Summit


In 2023, the Global Youth Economic Opportunities (YEO) Summit's theme is YEO Reimagined: Powering Youth-Led Action Towards 2030. This theme is focused on how the global YEO 2030 community can reimagine and build sustainable youth economic opportunities, with and for young people in the decade of action.

2023 Global YEO Summit2023-06-07T14:51:45+02:00