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Platform Topic: Rural Youth Employment

Decent employment and a voice at the table for our rural youth


Meet Elisenda Estruch Puertas, Rural Economy Specialist at the International Labour Organization (ILO), and the new Co-Chair of the Platform’s Rural Youth Employment Thematic Working Group. She shares her hopes and vision for her new role as Co-Chair of the group, and how she plans to contribute to ILO’s focus on employment, decent work, social dialogue, and social justice around the issues of rural youth.

Decent employment and a voice at the table for our rural youth2023-09-05T08:21:59+02:00

Community of Practice on Rural Employment


Practical Guidelines for Measuring Employment effects. The guidelines are designed as an interactive guide. They help to establish a results logic between (ongoing) project activities and related employment effects and also provide orientation on how to measure or estimate employment effects based on available data.

Community of Practice on Rural Employment2023-01-13T16:57:22+01:00

Measuring Employment Effects in Rural Development


Practical Guidelines for Measuring Employment effects. The guidelines are designed as an interactive guide. They help to establish a results logic between (ongoing) project activities and related employment effects and also provide orientation on how to measure or estimate employment effects based on available data.

Measuring Employment Effects in Rural Development2023-04-12T11:07:01+02:00