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Platform Topic: Rural Youth Employment

ILO Employment Policy Gateway


The Knowledge platform on country-level employment policies and youth employment strategies Links This platform – the only one of its kind – serves as a

ILO Employment Policy Gateway2023-04-12T11:05:27+02:00

African Youth Agripreneurs (AYA) Platform


The African Youth Agripreneurs (AYA) platform is an online community designed to enable networking, learning and sharing for individual young agripreneurs and rural youth organizations. It is is supported by FAO and was launched in August 2021 in collaboration

African Youth Agripreneurs (AYA) Platform2023-04-12T11:07:23+02:00

Ready to go digital? Assessing the digital readiness of young agripreneurs in East Africa


Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)’s Integrated Country Approach for boosting decent jobs for youth in agrifood systems carried out a digital readiness assessment of youth in agribusiness in partnership with the Eastern Africa Farmers Federation and youth-led organizations in

Ready to go digital? Assessing the digital readiness of young agripreneurs in East Africa2023-04-12T11:07:31+02:00

Mainstreaming youth in FAO’s Work Programme


A central principle of the 2030 Agenda is the assurance that “no one will be left behind” and the universal nature of the 2030 Agenda entails that youth should be considered across all Goals and targets.

Mainstreaming youth in FAO’s Work Programme2023-04-12T11:08:12+02:00

Creating opportunities for youth entrepreneurship – African Agribusiness Youth Strategy (AAYS) launched


In the face of multiple crises, COVID-19, climate change, conflicts, youth bulge, and now the war in Ukraine, which is severely impacting the food security in Africa, it is more than ever urgent to create decent employment and income

Creating opportunities for youth entrepreneurship – African Agribusiness Youth Strategy (AAYS) launched2022-11-09T10:27:18+01:00