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Platform Topic: Rural Youth Employment

Youth and agriculture: Key Challenges and Concrete Solutions


In recognition of the agricultural sector’s potential to serve as a source of livelihood opportunities for rural youth, a joint MIJARC/FAO/IFAD project on Facilitating Access of Rural Youth to Agricultural Activities was carried out in 2011 to assess the

Youth and agriculture: Key Challenges and Concrete Solutions2022-09-30T18:01:49+02:00

Global Land Forum 2022


Six relevant themes for Jordan and the region: - Decentralization - Climate change - Rural youth - Partnership building - Women's equal rights - Peace-building

Global Land Forum 20222023-06-07T14:56:49+02:00

CFS Process on Youth Engagement and Employment


Links Throughout 2022, the Thematic Working Group on Rural Youth Employment (TWG RYE) will be following the policy convergence process towards the development of policy recommendations in the Committee of World Food

CFS Process on Youth Engagement and Employment2022-10-04T14:42:53+02:00

Webinar: Green Jobs for Rural Youth


Agriculture and food systems need to transform in ways that produce sustainable and inclusive practices and outcomes, including more and better jobs for young women and men. Promoting green jobs for and with rural youth can contribute to such a transformation, while helping address the underemployment crisis and acknowledging and further engaging youth in agriculture, food and associated sectors.

Webinar: Green Jobs for Rural Youth2023-06-07T14:56:10+02:00

Youth Forum. Covid-19 Recovery: Youth Taking Action for a Sustainable Future


The Youth Forum will address the theme of ECOSOC and the 2022 UN High-level Political Forum on sustainable development (HLPF) on “Building back better from COVID- 19 while advancing the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda.” It will also review progress in the areas of quality education (SDG4), gender equality (SDG5), life below water (SDG14), life on land (SDG15) and partnerships for the goals (SDG17).

Youth Forum. Covid-19 Recovery: Youth Taking Action for a Sustainable Future2023-06-07T14:56:56+02:00

FAO Report: Youth Sensitive Value Chain Analysis


This Youth-sensitive value chain analysis and development guide provides the background information and guidance needed by practitioners for selecting an agricultural value chain with significant potential for youth employment and entrepreneurship and offers tools to conduct context-specific youth employment

FAO Report: Youth Sensitive Value Chain Analysis2022-09-23T13:03:03+02:00