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Platform Topic: Rural Youth Employment

Building Resilience and Employment Opportunities for Youth Within Rural Economies in the Sahel


In the framework of the FAO’s project "BUILDING RESILIENCE IN THE SAHEL REGION THROUGH JOB CREATION FOR YOUTH", funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) of the Federal Republic of Germany, FAO and ODI have organized an event to showcase findings from a forthcoming report.

Building Resilience and Employment Opportunities for Youth Within Rural Economies in the Sahel2023-06-07T14:57:49+02:00

Youth Employment & Entrepreneurship in Sustainable Agri-food System Transformation in Africa


The seminar brings together policy makers, youth representatives, business managers and development practitioners to discuss main challenges and solutions for youth employment in agri-food systems – from strengthening existing and developing new value chains, the business enabling environment, the development of business and job opportunities, to the role of young people in sustainable food systems transformation.

Youth Employment & Entrepreneurship in Sustainable Agri-food System Transformation in Africa2023-06-07T14:56:56+02:00

Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship in Sustainable Agri-Food System Transformation in Africa (Seminar)


The Thematic Working Group of Rural Youth Employment member GIZ (Global Project on Rural Employment with a Focus on Youth) in partnership with the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), organized a session on “Youth Employment and

Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship in Sustainable Agri-Food System Transformation in Africa (Seminar)2022-08-26T12:04:05+02:00

Jobs for Rural Youth: The Role of Local Food Economies


A study, co-financed by the EU, looks in-depth at the current employment situation of youth in the food economy in 5 sub-Saharan African countries (Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia) and 2 Southeast Asian countries (Thailand and Viet Nam) and makes an employment forecast for 2030 of the different segments within the food economy.

Jobs for Rural Youth: The Role of Local Food Economies2023-06-07T14:56:52+02:00