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OECD: Development Co-operation Report 2023


Debating the Aid System In the last three years, multiple global crises and the growing urgency of containing climate change have put current models of development co-operation to, perhaps, their most radical test in decades. The goal of a

OECD: Development Co-operation Report 20232023-02-16T13:06:03+01:00

FAO publications catalogue 2022


This catalogue aims to improve the dissemination and outreach of FAO’s knowledge products and overall publishing programme. By providing information on its key publications in every area of FAO’s work, and catering to a range of audiences, it thereby

FAO publications catalogue 20222023-01-30T11:30:05+01:00

Review of Ireland’s Strategy for Partnership with Small Island Developing States 2019-2025


Ireland's strategy for partnership with Small Island Developing States (SIDS) 2019-2025, launched in 2019, represents an innovation for the Department of Foreign Affairs given its cross-governmental nature and has since guided Ireland's engagement with SIDS. The strategy includes 36

Review of Ireland’s Strategy for Partnership with Small Island Developing States 2019-20252023-01-23T17:40:28+01:00

Community of Practice on Rural Employment


Practical Guidelines for Measuring Employment effects. The guidelines are designed as an interactive guide. They help to establish a results logic between (ongoing) project activities and related employment effects and also provide orientation on how to measure or estimate employment effects based on available data.

Community of Practice on Rural Employment2023-01-13T16:57:22+01:00

Measuring Employment Effects in Rural Development


Practical Guidelines for Measuring Employment effects. The guidelines are designed as an interactive guide. They help to establish a results logic between (ongoing) project activities and related employment effects and also provide orientation on how to measure or estimate employment effects based on available data.

Measuring Employment Effects in Rural Development2023-04-12T11:07:01+02:00

Podcast | Special Edition dedicated to the Global Donor Platform


"Putting our Money Where our Mouth is" has an impressive line-up of influential voices, starting with IFAD's new President Alvaro Lario and Associate Vice-President Satu Santala, Platform Co-Chairs Tristan Armstrong, Conrad Rein and Secretariat Coordinator Maurizio Navarra, and Willem Olthof, Ammad Bahalim and Carin Smaller.

Podcast | Special Edition dedicated to the Global Donor Platform2024-03-04T12:24:01+01:00