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OECD – G20 Initiative on Rural Youth Employment Stocktaking Report: A better future for rural youth


Between 2017 and 2022, G20 members invested over USD 20 billion in 671 projects related to rural youth employment in Africa. The G20 Initiative for Rural Youth Employment (RYE), launched in 2017, overachieved the targets set to provide employment-related skills to 5 million youth and create 1.1 million jobs by 2022.

OECD – G20 Initiative on Rural Youth Employment Stocktaking Report: A better future for rural youth2023-11-03T16:03:42+01:00

State of Blended Finance 2023


This year’s edition of the State of Blended Finance by Convergence once again focuses on climate. Links Climate change continues to be central to the

State of Blended Finance 20232024-03-27T16:36:05+01:00

Global Hunger Index 2023


The Power of Youth in Shaping Food Systems. Links The 2023 Global Hunger Index shows that while some countries have made significant headway in reducing

Global Hunger Index 20232023-11-07T17:49:15+01:00

FAO Publications Catalogue 2023


This catalogue aims to improve the dissemination and outreach of FAO’s knowledge products and overall publishing programme. By providing information on its key publications in every area of FAO’s work, and catering to a range of audiences, it thereby

FAO Publications Catalogue 20232023-11-07T17:49:32+01:00

2023 Goalkeepers Report


Imagine a world where innovations could save the lives of 2 million more mothers and babies. Links Co-authored by foundation Co-chairs Melinda French Gates and

2023 Goalkeepers Report2023-11-03T13:53:41+01:00

Partners for change – network meeting on transforming agricultural and food systems


At the network meeting "Partners for change - Transformation to a food secure, resilient and sustainable future", almost 250 participants from over 20 countries came together to exchange experiences and ideas on the transformation of agricultural and food systems.

Partners for change – network meeting on transforming agricultural and food systems2023-09-28T15:03:43+02:00